A window into the Media Intern experience

Reflection 2

This past week has been crazy as they all have been, but somehow I’ve still managed to continue posting from Twitter and actually managed to start posting a bit on our Media Facebook. That is definitely an improvement. Also, the new layout of Google Reader has REALLY helped. Otherwise, nothing really new. I was supposed to meet yesterday with the office to talk about advertising, but the timing was bad and alas, it has been delayed.

Posted by on April 28th, 2011 at 10:24 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Reflection 1 (to encompass the first month of interning)

I agreed to the internship on somewhat of a whim, not completely clear on what my job was or what my responsibilities would be, and it has been quite an adventure.

Things I have learned so far:

1) How to use hootsuite, which encompasses its own special array of new techniques of managing social media

  • how to look at 10 streams of tweets at once, which is initially extremely overwhelming
  • how to analyze/track site data on followers and site popularity
  • how to schedule/manage tweets from multiple twitter accounts

2) How to set up and use OnMason

3) How to search for relevant/interesting publishing materials

  • How to use Google Reader
  • How to use Flickr
  • How to use Page Flakes

Overall, I find the tweeting to be the most convenient and accessible for posting whilst between emails and other everyday tasks of a student. It is stressful sometimes making sure I am able to get at least that done as we near closer to the end of the semester.

Hopefully in the future I will be getting around to having time to manage the facebook accounts and do some advertising, but for now, that is still a bit too much for my schedule to handle.

Alas, for now, I should probably either do some homework or go to sleep.

Posted by on April 21st, 2011 at 12:16 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Hello world!

Well, I officially have an OnMason account to be used for weekly updates on what it’s like to be a Student Media Community Management Intern!

Posted by on April 13th, 2011 at 11:32 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink