A window into the Media Intern experience


I’m a graduating senior in Global Affairs at George Mason University. Currently, I work as an RA in Dominion Hall, tutor in GMU’s EIP, and intern with the Office of Student Media. In the past, I’ve interned at the State Department and worked in multiple university libraries and school offices. My hobbies include all of the arts (music, theater, sketching, pottery, you name it, and I’ve probably done it and loved it), movies (especially psych thrillers, kids movies, and foreign films), reading (though admittedly, I haven’t been able to read for fun in a very long time), video games (I’m more of a console kinda girl, personally, so I usually stick to my ps2, Gamecube, and Gameboy/DS), and unintentionally constantly overloading my schedule (haha, just kidding- but seriously, with the amount of stuff I agree to do between school and jobs it is a wonder I will graduate this semester).

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